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Inside & outside laminated 1/4" offset jaws. 
A full 9/16" jaw face
6 7/8" outside jawspread 
5 3/4" inside jaw spread.

Just dye and wax these traps and they're ready to go! Virtually anything that could be done to make this trap coyote proof is wrapped up here in one neat package. The MB-650 is heavy-duty from top to bottom and comes with 1/4" offset jaws and a 6 1/8" inside jaw spread. This custom-made trap is 4-coiled, baseplated, center swiveled and has an extra heavy-duty oversize pan which provides for a huge kill area. The pan tension is adjustable with a #10 pan bolt. Both heavy jaws are held down by a special trigger system which will keep any animal from flipping up a loose jaw. The dog has a "step-down" notch milled into it that gives you an audible click when you are lowering the pan. We've of course installed our MB Crunch Proof Swivels and heavy duty American made chain. Available in six jaw configurations to fit your needs

MB 650 OLIL Inside & Outside Laminated


    MB 650 OLIL Inside & Outside Laminated


    #1 Muskrat Wire Stretchers

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