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Pictures are in order of name list. for reference

Many tournament-winning crappie anglers credit Charlie Brewer's Crappie Slider Grub as the main reason for their success. The chunky ribbed body, vibrant colors, and miniature paddle tail offer the look and action needed to persuade big slabs to take a swipe. Designed to slide easily over thick brush and timber where the biggest crappie hang. Suitable for any size slider head or jighead; great for casting, trolling, or vertical jigging. Rig with a Weedless Crappie Slider head for best results in cover.

  • Designed to slide over thick brush and timber
  • Chunky, ribbed body
  • Vibrant color patterns
  • Miniature paddle tail
  • Suitable for any size of slider head or jig head
  • Effective cast, trolled or vertically jigged

Slider Crappie Grub Charlie Brewer


    Slider Crappie Grub Charlie Brewer


    #1 Muskrat Wire Stretchers

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